Welcome to my corner of the internet

Hello there, and thanks for dropping by! This site is where I'll dump the finished (or not) results of my various creative projects, as well as random stuff I may be interested in. Feel free to look around, I hope there's something to your liking somewhere.

Site Map:

Home: You are here!

My Writing: I write sometimes, you can find some of my essays (personal and academic) and fiction (original and fannish) here, along with some other things related to what I wanna write.

Manual Arts: I am a hobbyist ceramist and fiber artist, you can find some of the stuff I've made in those areas here.

OC Info: I suffer from severe OC brainrot with over 100 original characters living in my head rent free, head over here to meet some of them and their universes

Connections: If you've ever sent me a comment, question or art, they will be posted here along with my replies. Links to stuff I’m into or cool things by people i like will also go here

Blog: Here you'll find some of my online journaling/blogging. If I ever write it, that is.

There may be some "hidden" pages here and there, feel free to look for them ^-^


